Investments for U.S. Citizens

Professional financial advice on stock portfolios

Insurances for U.S. Citizens

Independent agency with a large selection of providers

Pensions for U.S. Citizens

Individual advice with tailor-made pension concepts

As seen in

Smart financial advice for US citizens and expats

A guide through the different tax and financial systems of both countries: As an independent and professional investment advisor, we support you in making the best decisions for your finances and insurance.

With our specific expertise on US citizens in Germany, we develop individual tax-optimized concepts for wealth management, asset protection and pension planning. In addition, we help you with a holistic consulting approach to ensure optimal protection for yourself and your family.

Thanks to our independence, U.S. citizens & expats always enjoy receiving objective and independent financial advice with Smarter Finance. For us, goal-oriented and transparent financial advice means an intensive dialogue between investor and asset designer as the basis for successful capital investment and long-term cooperation.

In cooperation with our client, we develop a holistic and sustainable financial plan that allows US citizens and expats to navigate safely through the great ocean of the financial world. The final investment strategy is developed according to your personal risk requirements, your life situation and your goals. We manage your asset portfolio intelligently, security-oriented and personally.

As a trailblazer and companion, we maintain regular and close contact with our customers, continuously compare the status and adjust the concepts when the life situation, the wishes or the market situation changes.


Daniel Charles Bossenz

Managing Director of Smarter Finance 24 GmbH



Our Investment Philosophy


Maximum risk diversification through global multi-asset allocation from illiquid investments, such as real estate and real assets, to liquid investments such as funds, ETFs, precious metals or bonds.



You will receive personal online access via modern software solutions. Regular reports and direct access to your portfolios give you maximum control and full transparency.


Sustainabilitycriteria are playing an increasingly important role in our market analyses. They complement the cornerstones of our investment consisting of sound analysis and consistent risk management.

Low cost

We pay attention to low service and management costs through the addition of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and strategic partnerships with alternative investment products. In this way, their financial capital is preserved.


We always design our portfolios with a hedging strategy. This serves primarily as a precaution against crises and extreme market fluctuations. If our experts give the green light, we trigger the security strategy partially or completely.


You will receive personal and independent financial advice as well as regular adjustment and long-term support of your wealth concept. If you have any questions, our experts are always at your side.

Holistic Financial Advice for U.S. Citizens

Two countries, two systems: For U.S. citizens in Germany, tax matters are accompanied by high bureaucratic hurdles.

The tax systems between the U.S. and Germany differ significantly. In the U.S., the focus is on the global income concept, while in Germany, the residency principle applies. U.S. citizens are required to report income globally and may have to pay taxes in both countries. Due to our focus on expats in Germany, we act as expert advisors and help them understand differences and take them into account in their financial planning.

Aspects such as reporting obligations for international transfers and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations are crucial. With our advice, U.S. citizens avoid legal and financial consequences for their investments.

Tax matters

We support U.S. citizens in meeting the requirements of both countries and reducing payment burdens to a minimum. In the end, this leaves more buffer to continue working on asset accumulation and to secure savings.

Retirement provision

Despite the different structures of the pension systems, U.S. citizens in Germany can benefit from the advantages of German retirement provision. Even with a temporary stay, there are attractive opportunities.

Alternative Investments

Know how. If you don’t have the opportunity to invest in ETFs and mutual funds, then we have the alternatives for you as an American. Contact us today to learn more.


We support U.S. citizens in meeting the requirements of both countries and reducing payment burdens to a minimum. In the end, this leaves more buffer to continue working on asset accumulation and to secure savings.

Bank-independent, highly secure custody of precious metals

The only thing that is certain today is uncertainty! We live in a time when investors hardly receive any interest on their savings at the bank. Government bonds have also lost security and yields, inflation is eating away monetary values and insidiously destroying them. This is a time when life and pension insurance policies that were believed to be secure are no longer generating their promised returns, the guaranteed interest rate is approaching zero and, for many investment products and investments, the risks far outweigh the rewards.

As an independent wealth creator, we work with secure, tax-optimized investment solutions. In this context, we cooperate with a special commodity depot in Switzerland and mainly store our clients’ gold and silver investments here.

Gold has always been stable in value and will remain so in the future. People have always been willing to pay a high price for the shiny precious metal. In contrast to today’s unbacked fiat currencies, gold and other precious metals are still excellently suited as tangible assets for real wealth preservation.

Why we rely on SOLIT

The SOLIT Group is a leading provider of precious metals investment and asset protection based in Germany. With over a decade of experience, SOLIT offers tailor-made solutions for retail clients and institutional investors. The services include trading in gold, silver, platinum and palladium, secure storage facilities and comprehensive advice. SOLIT stands for trust, quality and expertise and supports customers in protecting and growing their assets through crisis-proof and stable investments.

Our promise:

  • Safe and convenient direct purchase of your physical precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, as well as diamonds)
  • Segregated and bank-independent individual custody of your precious metals at international locations
  • VAT-free purchase of silver, platinum and palladium when stored in Switzerland

Things to Know for U.S. Citizens

Tax aspects and regulations are of great importance to U.S. citizens in Germany. It is important to learn about the tax laws, especially the double taxation treaty and the requirements for tax returns. Professional financial advice can help with tax compliance.

U.S. citizens in Germany must follow the tax laws that apply to them. These include the German Income Tax Act, the Inheritance and Gift Tax Act, and the Investment Tax Act. In addition, U.S. citizens may still be required to pay taxes in the U.S., depending on their tax status and applicable double taxation treaty rules. A thorough knowledge of these laws and regulations is crucial to avoid tax conflicts and meet financial obligations in both countries.

Double taxation treaties and tax returns

For U.S. citizens in Germany, the double taxation agreement (DTA) between the two countries can be of great importance. It regulates how income and wealth are taxed and prevents double taxation. U.S. citizens must still file a tax return in both countries to meet their tax obligations.


The reporting obligations for German banking institutions are enormous and cover all types of bank accounts and stock portfolios. You must provide the U.S. authorities with names, addresses, tax numbers, as well as account balances, dividends, interest, and profits. The law applies to all U.S. citizens, even if they hold a second citizenship.

Investing despite FACTA

Fund-based annuities offer an option to circumvent the high hurdles for U.S. citizens to invest in Germany. In addition, there are almost identical conditions as for German citizens, which would not be accessible to expats in any other way. We help with the conclusion.

Two options

As a funded retirement plan, fund-based annuities are familiar to most U.S. citizens. The administrative burden of reporting obligations, double taxation or capital gains tax is many times lower. It is also possible to access your savings before retirement.

Use of tax advantages

It is true that the cost structure of a fund-based pension insurance is often higher. In return, the amounts are 100 percent deductible and, in the case of a long investment horizon, payable for life. There are also savings potential for US citizens in Germany in other constellations, which are happy to discuss during a consultation.

We combine the best of different asset classes for you

All investments have their advantages and disadvantages or carry certain risks. However, different assets react differently to the circumstances. We can't look into the future either, but based on data from the past, we know what can still work in a worst-case scenario.

Independent financial advice

million euros of assets under management

Satisfied customers


Sustainable, if you wish.

Various investment opportunities

General questions about Smarter Finance

We work independently to ensure that you always receive objective advice. Our investment recommendations as your wealth creator are based exclusively on the performance of your capital. For example, you have the option of adapting your securities account to changing life circumstances at any time in a cost-neutral manner.

We are happy to support you with intelligent investment management that will help you increase your returns while minimizing your risk.

What does Smarter Finance stand for?

The name of Smarter Finance stands for the combination of a digital, modern approach with an intelligent forward-looking investment strategy.

What investment amount do I need to bring with me as a client?

The minimum investment amount should be around 100,000 euros so that we can achieve maximum diversification of your portfolio. The capital does not have to be made available immediately. As a rule, we work with a savings phase of 8 to 16 months, depending on the market situation. This means that your entire capital is not fully invested until the savings phase has been completed.

How can I track the performance of my portfolio?

Every customer receives personal access to their securities accounts via our investment portals (often including a mobile app). This allows you to track the performance and composition of your portfolio at any time and from anywhere in the world – conveniently via computer, tablet or smartphone. In addition, you will receive comprehensive, written reporting on the respective reporting period once a quarter. Tax certificates are automatically issued by the respective provider.

Why don't we offer a selection of individual stocks?

We look ahead to exciting times. The world is changing and the short- to medium-term outlook is difficult to assess. This is precisely why we recommend maximum diversification of investments. We mainly recommend equity funds or ETFs with a broad diversification that individual stocks cannot offer.

Do I have direct access and influence over my investments?

As part of our professional investment advice, we always strive to be in dialogue with our clients. Your desired financial goals and wishes as well as your flexibility are our top priority. You always have full control over all products. The securities accounts are in your name and you can carry out all actions on your own if you wish. As consultants, we are always at your side and have visual access to all managed securities accounts to ensure holistic support.

How do I put together my system?

The investment universe depends on the type of product you choose. In fund-linked asset management, we invest your capital mainly in ETFs and actively managed funds. For further diversification, precious metal deposits, real estate investments or alternative investment products can be used, if you want them as an admixture.

How can I adjust my investment amount?

You have full control over your deposits. Increases in the investment amount, as well as reductions up to the minimum investment amount, are possible at any time. It is recommended to have a short conversation with one of our advisors before any adjustment of the investment amounts. However, you also have the option of reducing, suspending or increasing savings plans independently via the respective online portal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of pension insurance as an investment for US citizens in Germany?

Investments for U.S. citizens in Germany are associated with high hurdles. A fund-based annuity insurance offers a simple middle ground: You enjoy tax exemption in the insurance package and do not have to file a separate tax return for US authorities due to the formal lack of investment income.

This variant is associated with higher management fees than with a classic stock portfolio. However, German banks often reject U.S. citizens because of the bureaucratic requirements. Insurance companies are also picky here, which is why we act as specialized intermediaries to find a suitable product. We work with reliable and trustworthy partners.

ETF annuities are only suitable for long-term investment goals for U.S. citizens. For short periods of time, fees and bureaucratic effort exceed the possible return.

What happens when U.S. citizens leave Germany?

With our partners’ pension insurance as an investment for U.S. citizens in Germany, you benefit from payouts regardless of your location. The policies are designed in such a way that you can leave Germany again in the course of your working life and still maintain the conditions.

Can U.S. citizens reduce the tax burden with a pension plan?

Under certain conditions: yes!

However, this depends on the design of the ETF pension insurance as an investment for US citizens in Germany. This is possible, for example, with a “Rürüp pension” (basic pension). Policies are also possible with investments in funds and ETFs, which allows you to build stable assets over the long term.

U.S. citizens can deduct up to 25,528 euros per year at 100 percent tax on a Rürup pension, thus significantly reducing their payment burden. However, one-off payouts are not possible and the earliest availability is 62 years. In addition, you must expect a subsequent tax during your retirement.

On the other hand, U.S. citizens protect against the longevity risk with a Rürüp pension: the monthly payments are made until the end of their lives.

State-of-the-art solutions for our customers

Digital Wealth Management

Our software solutions allow you to manage all your assets in one place. Dashboards and charts give you a clear representation of your assets.

Personal and independent financial advice from our experts is always just a click away – whether by phone, video call or in person.


Mobile solutions for full control

Whether it’s prices or news about real estate, ETFs, precious metals and stock markets. With our apps, you will have a central view of everything in the future – not only within your own four walls, but even at any time thanks to apps.


The security of your data is important to us. For your security, data-sensitive areas such as the dashboard are additionally protected against unauthorized access by means of a fingerprint or PIN code.

Digital advice everywhere!

You can take advantage of our digital consulting services from all over Germany, e.g. Berlin, Leipzig, Munich, Cologne or Stuttgart. We also advise international clients, institutions or expats in Germany.

It doesn’t cost anything to ask! So ask us for a free initial consultation. Convince yourself of our reviews and make up your own mind.

Smarter Finance 24 GmbH

5.0Out of 5 stars

Overall rating out of 29 Google reviews

Stephanie Büttner
vor einer Woche

Akkurat, findig und blickig!

Silvia Gentili
vor 3 Wochen

Die Smarter Finance 24 GmbH bietet einen hervorragenden Service. Daniel ist sehr gründlich und pünktlich. Ich könnte keinen besseren Berater haben.

Ioana Grapa
vor 3 Wochen

Daniel is a great professional, truly dedicated to his clients. He is very responsive, he actually cares about each client and he delivers premium quality services. I would definitely recommend him to anyone!

Daniel Dirmeier
vor 3 Wochen

Ich arbeite mit Herrn Bossenz seit fast 15 Jahren zusammen. In dieser Zeit hat er sich nicht nur um meine gesamte Finanzberatung sondern auch um meine gesamten Versicherungen gekümmert. Er berät regelmäßig und unaufgefordert zur Änderung der Anlagestrategie, falls dies erforderlich ist und findet deutliche Worte gegenüber nachteiligen oder zwielichtige Angebote, die manch andere große Beratungshäuser anbieten. Ich vertraue ihm zu 100%, bin mit seinen Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden und kann seine Tätigkeiten nur weiterempfehlen.

Tanja Baric
vor 3 Monaten

Daniel was very kind, professional, and helpful. He patiently listened to my situation and gave good and concrete advice on how to move forward. I would come again to his office when in need of financial advice. He also speaks English, so I would recommend him to the international community in Berlin.

Katrianna Walter
vor 3 Monaten

Would absolutely recommend Daniel for his diligent capabilities, english, helpfulness and patience

Stefan Seferovic
vor 4 Monaten

I've been working with Daniel for 3 years and last year my wife also started working with him. He's very knowlegeable, professional & kind. I appreciate the fact that he understands his clients individually, knows what's important to them and works accordingly. He's transparent in what he does and how he works and that makes it easy for people to trust him. And he speaks English, which is great for people like myself and many more in Berlin. We highly recommend Daniel! 🙂

Paula Paiva
vor 4 Monaten

Martina A.
vor 5 Monaten

Ich habe mich bezüglich Geldanlagen und meiner Altersvorsorge an Herrn Bossenz gewandt. Das habe ich bisher nicht bereut. Seine fachliche Kompetenz und unaufgeregte Art haben mich überzeugt. Dazu ist er immer gut erreichbar. Ich kann Herrn Bossenz wärmstens empfehlen und freue mich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.

Elena Frank
vor 6 Monaten

Ich bin mit Daniel sehr zufrieden. Er hat sich von Anfang an Zeit genommen, um meine finanziellen Ziele und Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und ist immer einfach zu erreichen. Ich fühle mich in Sachen Versicherungs- und Investmentkonzepten, sowie Altersvorsorge super gut beraten und würde Daniel definitiv weiterempfehlen.

We think differently. We advise differently.

Highest ratings on




Smarter Finance 24 GmbH
Josef-Orlopp-Straße 46
10365 Berlin

0800 267 73 69

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